Pretty Little Girls All Over The World

by Olivia Lee Illustrated by Natalia Wellman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9798823025720

About the Book

“Pretty Little Girls All Over The World” is dedicated to the wonderful world of girls! It will hopefully allow them to realize that even though they come from different cultures and diverse backgrounds, they all are the same in so many ways. Children have an innocence that transcends negative and restrictive boundaries and “Pretty Little Girls All Over The World” highlights positive qualities and attributes that all girls possess and share no matter where they live in the world”

About the Author

Olivia Lee is a grandmother of three wonderful girls residing in Florida. She retired from the telecommunications industry after 38 years and decided to pursue her love of writing which for her was a “gift from God” spanning back some 48 years ago. As a teenager she first discovered the joy of words and writing. A personal endeavor, she hopes to capture the innocent hearts and minds of young readers all over the world, showing them the many qualities they all share.