Contents of Gods Speaks
The Web of Creation
All That Is
The Most Powerful Force
God Is…
Holiness in Wholeness
A Sensation of Separation
Releasing Control
Troubles as Blessings
The Law of Attraction
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
Experiences as Opportunities
An Examination of Thought
An Examination of Emotion
An Examination of Action
The Benefits of Meditation
Self Will and God’s Will
Why We Exist
The Soul’s Progress
Indio and Crystal Children
Peace on Earth
Closing Words
God Speaks
When you hear My voice, know that it is I and not your imagination When you hear Me speak, you can say, “In Jesus name, identify,” (which is a universal law for identifying the source of any disembodied voice), and if you hear, “Holy Spirit,” know that it is I.
Know also that I call to you through your senses, through your intuition, through your inner sense of knowing, and through My grace. Know that I have called to you since before time began, since I created the universe and all that’s in it, and since I created you. You are My children, and I am very well pleased with you. You carry My divine intent within you, and you are now expressing it more fully in your affairs. You have given Me great pleasure and are fulfilling My desires for you. You are beginning to progress very rapidly along the lines for which I created you. I created you to fulfill your soul’s purpose by combining with Me. That is the ultimate purpose of each soul.
Each soul, of course, is individuated in you. As We are One, you and I, We cannot be torn asunder. We express the holiness of Ourselves as We co-mingle. Your realization of this communication is called self-realization. Our selves are united, and when you know that, you will know Me. You and I have always been together, and We will be together forever.
Writer’s note: Romans 8 16-17 “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; if so, be that we suffer with Him that we may be also glorified together.”
But you and I have only just begun. As We begin, We begin again and again. We are always and in all ways beginning as all We have is now. You are made as a being who is meant to constantly begin.
Knowing you as I do, I know that you are constantly “hurrying up” to finis something. But there is no such thing as “finish”. There is completion, but that is only another form of beginning There is no break in the circle of experience and connection. The circle, of course, is not constructed by a linear tract. It can be thought more closely to resemble a concave spiral, or a web of interconnecting lines that circle back on themselves to interconnect and hold All That Is. This wisdom, energy, spiral, or web of creation is what holds It or Us all together. It is eternal and endless. I use It to serve as the Source of My creation. I use It to supply, nourish, inform, transfer, transmit, transform, calculate, minister, calibrate, and create. It is important to note that this web of creation is in a constant state of Flow, as are all the energies of the universe which swirl around and within it.
Whenever you hear birds sing or church bells ring, you hear Me. Whenever you hear a child’s laugh or a birthday bash, you hear Me. Whenever you hear a lover’s sigh or a mother’s cry, you hear Me. You hear Me when you laugh, play, fight, reconcile, compromise, harmonize, think a thought or take a breath. I am in all that you do and all that you are. I am you.
On an outpost of the soul, the truth lies in a spark of divine light. I reside in that light and in that truth. That truth and that light dwell within and without All That Is. All That Is includes you, all that you see, feel, hear, sense, know, do not know, and all that exists in the cosmos and beyond. All That Is, is My gift to you. All That Is, is filled with all My love. All of My love is a concept which is too complex for your total understanding for as long as you live on Earth. When We are joined in the next phase of your life, you will fully experience this bliss. But know now that My love is more powerful than anything you could conceive of. It is the most powerful force in all of the universes. Love is what I create with, the essence of existence, the power of profusion, and is the Source of All That Is. It is I. I am love.
I am All That Is and All That Ever Will Be. I am the alpha and the omega- the beginning and the end. I am all things and all things that are not. I am you and you are I. I am the divine line that never ends. I am the sun, the moon, the stars, and the sky. I am the Earth and all that resides therein. I am heart, soul, pulse, and blood. I am the concepts of good, holy, bad, and evil. I am the Awakened One, the Sleeper, and the Dreamer. I am the highest good and the noblest thought I am your Creator. I inspire you. It is I who infuse you with light and love. I am your Protector and your Companion. I am your life, and you are Mine.
As I have given you My wisdom, there are certain things I would ask of you. Since I have given you free will, I cannot force you to follow My suggestions or wishes for you. However, I encourage you to do more than to consider My suggestions. I most highly recommend and encourage you not only to follow My suggestions, but to devote the rest of your life to following them. If you do so, I can promise that your life will grow more meaningful and magnificent than you ever imagined. Your imagination can only tap the tiniest tip of the fountain of wisdom and wellness that I can provide. I encourage you to follow Me and to follow My Word. If you do, all sorts of amazing and wonderfully marvelous gifts and situations will befall you and those whom you love. If you but trust in Me, I shall show you My trust in you. And, oh, how I do trust in you!
Angels Speak
In the beginning, there was light, and the light was good. All creatures were created by love, for love, and with love. The Divine Wisdom that infuses all life is the Source of the light. The light was, is, and forever shall be, love.
Love is the way to life. All life is created through and by love. Therefore, love is the Creator of all life. The cosmos, and everything in it, is considered to be life. The very nature of the cosmos is at once stable and ever-changing at the same time. The nature of life is also considered as such. The stability lies in the concept of change, and in the knowledge that life is ever-changing. Love, life, and the cosmos are thus always in the state of flux. This dynamic state of change and flux is known as Flow.
Flow becomes essential for all life to evolve. This flow is the basis and the building block of life. The essential nature of flow is growth. Flow, and therefore life, cannot not grow. It is impossible for life to grow stagnate. This knowledge is stability itself. Stagnation in life is an illusion. Stagnation may seem a true perception, but it is more akin to a cloudy vision or an optical illusion through a lens incorrectly held and visibly distorted. Stagnation can feel very real, but all life forms pulsate between electrical impulses