Pathways to Joy in Marriage

Live This Way and Happiness Will Pursue You!

by Paul W. Sayltie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/5/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781468549591

About the Book

We live in an age of broken marriages, broken homes, and broken lives, brought on by an adversary whose wavelength permeates this society and teaches us that a person is free to do whatever he wishes. Do what feels good, and fear not the consequences! My wife and I have proven that a married couple and their children do not need to follow this course. In fact, it is much, much easier not to, because the fruits are infinitely better if you do not ... and we all like good fruit! God ordained it that way, because He invented marriage and family. For 45 years my wife and I have witnessed the fruits of striving after God's perfect plan for married couples as outlined in His word. True, Sandy and I were brought up as hard-working farm kids totally dedicate to each other — that helped to get a good start — but in today's world, as in any age, the pulls of the flesh and of this fallen age can easily derail a family if they take their eyes off the goal. That goal is to love God, and to love your neighbor as yourself ... starting within your own home! We have proven that in spite of society and families disintegrating all around us, you can have a wonderfully fulfilling marriage, and as a major part of that rear a loving and joyous family. Look through the pages of the photo albums especially, and see snatches of the good times we had — and still do have — while growing up together. (Parents grow up too, and their kids teach them a lot!) Do not follow the road most traveled. Read this book, live God's way, and be amazed that happiness will indeed pursue you!

About the Author

The authors were raised on farms in western Minnesota, the children of hard-working crop and dairy farmers whose love for the land, and the strong marital bonds necessary to make their lives prosper, set the stage for their own family unity and strength. Meeting in the sixth grade at Canby public school, they noticed one another in high school, and after college married and planned to farm in the home community after graduate school. The new family's objective was to live self-sufficiently, and to put God front-and-center in their lives. Farming plans were interrupted by the Viet Nam War, but after a stint in Germany they returned to the farm, only to discover the harsh realities of Depression economics on the land in the early 1970s. With their German-born son in hand, they moved to Ambassador College in Big Sandy, Texas, and studied theology for two years before the lure of farming brought them to the fertile soils of Wisconsin. There, two daughters were born. Another foray into the educational field led then to North Dakota State University, Fargo, where in 1980 a Ph.D. degree in Soil Fertility was obtained. Another child, a boy, had now been added, and the family headed to Texas — where two more daughters were born — to embark on a 32-year adventure of teaching ecological soil principles around the world. Life in God's hands has brought remarkable joy in marriage to the authors ... and nine grandchildren so far. Each summer they and their six children would experience the endless beauty and variety of the creation while backpacking, canoeing, and hiking amongst the plains, forests, mountains, and lakes of the United States. They learned from the Creator endless valuable lessons of how to achieve true fulfillment in marriage and family living, happiness that budded not through some prescribed formula but as a consequence of a life committed to God.