The Book of Sandra

by Sandra Ramsey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/3/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781481715386
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781481715393

About the Book

The Book of Sandra presents the personal recollections of a woman, Sandra Ramsey, who realized early in her life that the Holy Spirit has touched her, making her the recipient of special gifts. Realizing God had set her apart in this way, she began a journey that led to a growing appreciation of her differences. In The Book of Sandra, the author describes her life under the influence of these differences, the impact of these differences on her relationships, and the direction of her life in response to these differences. As she notes, “Having gifts from our Father makes me feel really special—sometimes even weird and out of place. I get a little ‘why me?’ attitude. Just what am I to do with this? Am I normal? Are all these feelings normal? But then I developed a relationship with him and received the Holy Spirit.” By sharing this journey, The Book of Sandra offers itself as a source of hope and inspiration for others touched by the Holy Spirit or who have loved ones whose lives are different because of the Spirit’s work. If you can see yourself in either of these groups, then The Book of Sandra will serve you as a source of wisdom and inspiration.

About the Author

Sandra Ramsey turned the difference she felt when she compared herself to others into a source of inspiration for keeping a journal that sheds light on living with difference. She then decided to share this journal, leading to her creation of The Book of Sandra.