Cry Out!

by Dr. Cynthia D. Cole



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/16/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781468540154
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781468540161

About the Book

Dr. Cole writes to share about what it's like to grow-up with an abusive father and no one else knows about it. Connect and understand her journey as she shares, learns, connects with others, and finally accepts and grow to an independent adult. It's a world that finally knows what's it like to finally understand that God has a purpose and loves all of his children. Learning to love oneself, family, friends, with the guidance of God's love, faith, trust, and confidence is a major accomplishment for Dr. Cole. She feels and knows there are many like herself, now, past and future that she needs to share her personal experience to help others to cry out with faith, love, confidence, and trust in God that she will overcome the inequities of abuse to a Christian life.

About the Author

I am qualitfied to write this book because it is about my life. It is about my life experience and the journeys that have created the woman that I am today. Writing this book about my life has facilitated my overcoming many personal obstacles that I felt were preventing me from realizing my fullest potential in my life to myself and others. I was abused as a child and it took many years for me to overcome and understand that I am important, meaningful, and great as I exist at this time. I now understand the importance of family, friends, and God's presence in my life. My personal accomplishments have facilitated my ability to write this book. I have completed educational milestones to a PHD in Psychology which has also provided clarity to my personal well-being and health. I have come to understand myself, family and others on a higher level of learning. I currently reside in Pensacola, Florida after retiring from the U.S. Navy for 20 years.