The Return of Nemesis Nate the Great!

by Shannon Gaffney McCall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/26/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781491863701
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781491864821

About the Book

Nathan “Nate the Great” Campbell has had nothing shy of a difficult life. Everyone he has ever held dear left him in one way or another. Trials and troubles are as natural to him as breathing. But as fate would have it in the midst of his tribulations the sun begins to shine and brighten the former bully’s dreary outlook. After his Me’ma’s passing Nathan’s long lost father , Nathaniel, returns to reclaim him from his foster family to live with him in New York. Yet before Nathan and Nathaniel can begin their quest of kindling a father-son bond, each of their pasts threatens to destroy their promising future. Will Nathan’s slight desire to return to his old ways as Nemesis Nate the Great ruin his chance at a picture perfect life? Instead of being the apple of his father’s eye, will Nathan become the worm that spoils the Big Apple? Or will the reason for his father’s prolonged absence send Nathan spiraling into an abyss of uncertainty?

About the Author

Toombs county native, Shannon Gaffney McCall, is an active and animated mother of four (B.R.A.D.). She writes for a broad range of readers. Shannon has a 'lettered' outlook on life. Believing writing, just like dreaming, is only as limited to and as unique as it's source. She views her life, as well as that of others, as a story being versed via living. Each character/person and situation encountered adds to one's life storyline, each experiences adds to the plot and each trial the suspense, therefore making everybody's tale exclusively interesting and worth being told.