But the Greatest of These Is Love

by Debbie Barrow Michael



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/30/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781462402533
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781462402540

About the Book

On a March evening in 2000, an unexpected and unsettling thought came out of nowhere, disrupting Debbie Michael’s comfortable life—adoption! It was neither her idea nor her desire to adopt; she was already the mother of three. Instinctively, she knew God was speaking to her, but she did not want to listen if His message required action as life-changing as adopting an orphan. Dread lingered in the aftermath of the disturbing suggestion, and a debilitating fog of uncertainty settled over her life.

A journey of a thousand miles (or five thousand, in this case) might begin with a single step, but Debbie was not eager to take that first step. Though God was relentless, she remained adamant. She was determined to ignore the nudging.

But God would not be ignored!

God pried Debbie out of her comfortable existence and opened a door to a life she didn’t know existed. 

But the Greatest of These is Love is about much more than adoption. It is a story about the powerful and astonishing ways God uses ordinary people to accomplish His divine intention that we love one another.

About the Author

Debbie Michael lives in Mount Airy, Maryland, with her husband Bruce and sons, Taylor and Roma.  Their daughters Heather and Kellie live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with their growing families. Debbie loves spending time with her family, including four grandchildren. In addition to writing, Debbie is an artist who enjoys sculpting and painting. She joyfully serves as a substitute teacher at Linganore High School in Frederick, Maryland.