Religion's Cell

Doctrines of the Church that lead to Bondage and Abuse

by Cynthia McClaskey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/15/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781468558456
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781468558463
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781468558449

About the Book

Religion's Cell by Cynthia McClaskey is a masterful exploration of the ways in which organized religion has, through the centuries, systematically denied woman her proper role in the church and the world. Beginning with a firsthand account of her own subjugation within a fundamentalist sect, McClaskey moves forward with detailed and extensively referenced explanations of the God-intended role of woman. Along the way, she provides explanations of how man, in seeking to retain power and authority in both religion and the world, has relegated woman to a subservient position in both areas, in violation of God's intended plan.

McClaskey's evidence is compelling and her logic flawless as she argues against the God-as-stern-judge mentality that permeates most modern religious sects and emphasizes the true nature of God as a loving father --a father who wants only the best for both genders of His crowning creation. She points out that Christ surrounded himself with women and that women played major roles in the early years of Christianity, providing copious scriptural support for her position.

In Religion's Cell, McClaskey has issued a clarion call for true gender equality, both inside and outside organized religion. This is a book women will want to read and men should be required to read.

About the Author

Cynthia McClaskey is a fundamentalist cult survivor that has taken the initiative to fight back against the religious dogmas of a church system that degrades and suppresses women not only in the church, but in the home. She has spent the last 10 years of her life in biblical and historical studies to search out the truth. She has spent countless hours researching church history, biblical literacy and doctrinal history in order to expose the lies and corruption of a church system that has fostered abuse toward women and children throughout the ages.