Against All Odds

by Ethel M. Hill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/6/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781477209929
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781477224588

About the Book

I feel you'll be interested in this book because it is most of all my first after year of going through hard times with doors shut in my face to success but I pressed on through for completion. I never thought or considered what I wanted to do in life as a child but grow up and get a good job plus meet the love of my life and become married as I saw mom and dad not married but stuck together in raising me and my brother. I went in and out of schools not satisfied because I felt there was a special calling on me for my life. From my mother's womb was Christianity instilled within me down throughout the dispensations of my roots. Therefore, at my adult hood, nothing else was left for me to do my search for the truth about this god I was taught. I had a baby girl at seventeen with the dad disowning but I went to become a mother and father with mom and dad’s help! Disappointments, heartaches, heartbreaks were many but I stood up and went on anyhow. I got my GED and entered a hometown business college but that was not what I wanted to do in life. Down throughout the years, I began to write notes about events that happened to me from day to day, good or bad because in my mind I began to get things tangled up! I was steady and secured because in the arms of the lord but question marks yet remained! The stack piled higher and higher from year to year. One day it came to me what about rhymes because I was taking piano lessons. So I began to apply the words in poems lines. This is the first book of many as I’ve said! So there maybe typo errors but many have to know you really can make through the storm with Jesus as your leader and guide. Hold on to your dreams and pursue them to the fullest! God bless and keep you in his love not mine because I will fail but Jesus never fails! emh@

About the Author