The Worlds of Harry Logan

A Novel

by Michael W. Burns



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/7/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781468556766
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781468556773

About the Book

Harry Logan, the author of a successful first novel finds himself living in chaos of expectations and relationships gone awry. He cannot find the words to begin his next book, and his friends and lovers cannot hear his silent screams for help through the bombast of his public personality. He begins to write in earnest again when he reacquaints himself with the gentle quiet Harry he left somewhere in his youth, and he forms and unlikely luncheon friendship with a fragile, funny, beautiful, and enigmatic librarian. As the book goes forward so does their unique friendship now well on its way to something more than that. Harry now must face the hard decisions to reconcile a private life with her and his public passion to become a force in the world of literature. They are the most difficult of his life.

About the Author

Michael Burns was a writer throughout his professional career. He has written speeches for Members of Congress and authored documents for Committee’s of the United States Senate during his time as the Program Director of the Committee on Veterans Affairs and as a Professional Staff Member for the former Committee on Public Works and Labor and Public Welfare, respectively. He published Into the Blue Far Distance in 2002, chronicling his 6,000 mile journey in 2001 in the United States and Canada. He published his first work of fiction, Sunset House in 2010. He worked as a hospital administrator in Southern California and now writes occasional pieces for travel magazines and chronicles his further travels in “Reamus,” an essay blog about his more recent travels at www.reamus. com. He became a Naval Aviator after graduating with a degree in American Government from Saint Michael’s College in Vermont and is currently a resident of Carlsbad California with his wife Joanne.