The Sunflower Principle

Life Lessons from a Simple Flower

by Donna Austin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/26/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781462402786
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781462402779

About the Book

In The Sunflower Principle: Life Lessons from a Simple Flower, author Donna Austin chronicles the role sunflowers played in her recovery from the ashes of divorce. Sunflowers were a favorite flower of her daughter, but it wasn’t until she faced the agony of divorce and an empty nest that she realized they symbolized hope and love for her. From these big, bold, beautiful sunflowers and during time spent in her garden, she learned many valuable lessons about how to withstand the storms of life, lift up her head, and stand tall again.

She has presented the lessons she learned from tending to the sunflowers in the form of seeds of wisdom in The Sunflower Principle. Through these lessons, she offers a simple guide for living, with all people—regardless of race, religion, or national origin. In order to become a sunflower, it is necessary to sow some seeds ourselves—seeds of compassion, love, peace, and understanding. The result of sowing these four tiny seeds make a difference in our lives, and become the catalyst for change in our world.

About the Author

Donna Austin, a native of Jonesboro, Arkansas, also lived in the Dallas area for thirty years. She has two children and four grandchildren. Donna has been published by Argus Communications in Allen, Texas, and featured in Guideposts Magazine. Her poetry has been published in Amidst the Splendor — The National Library of Poetry. Donna is the Director of Writers’ Ink, a creative writing group of Jonesboro, and a member of the National League of American Pen Women.