Just a Little Higher

A Collection of True Stories about Women and the Special Birds Who Encouraged Them

by Linda Franklin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/5/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781462407842
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781462407859

About the Book

This first book in the series, On a Wing and a Prayer, is a poignant collection of stories about women in desperate need of comfort and the birds who delivered a big dose of hope right on time. These true accounts are guaranteed to warm your heart and lift your vision just a little higher.

In this volume, you will discover how:

• A raven tricks a soldier’s wife into focusing on the rainbows.
• A little blue angel urges Arley out of her dark depression.
• A rainbow finch’s song lifts a young widow from despair.
• A sparrow tells a farmer’s wife that hope is just a song away.
• A canary replaces fear with love—just in the nick of time!
• A pigeon helps a burn survivor’s mother to cope with scars.

“I am an advocator of families reading aloud together. Reading to children, especially those in their teens, is almost unheard of today. But give the teens the chance to let Grandma or Grandpa try, you will be amazed at the response, the bridging of a gap, that this activity creates! Read together, just for the joy! On a Wing and a Prayer

is a grand collection of true stories that the entire family will enjoy!”—Penny Porter

Penny Porter is the mother of six, lifetime teacher, grandmother of eight, great-grandmother of two, and “one of the most successful storytellers ever to hit Reader’s Digest.” She is published in a wide range of well known national magazines; 15 Chicken Soup for the Soul books; multiple textbooks in 28 languages; and The Good Lord Made Them All series by Joe Wheeler, PhD, famed anthologist, author and editor.

About the Author

Linda Franklin writes from Canada’s Peace Country. She is also the author of Rainbow in the Flames, the story of her son’s uplifting journey from a near-fatal burn accident.