Rainbow in the Flames

A tragic fire, a bow of promise, a love of the lasting kind

by Linda Franklin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/22/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781462405459
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781462405466

About the Book

With a sickening dread Linda suddenly realizes that she holds little Jed’s survival in her own burned hands. The inferno that exploded their quiet world has left her eight-year-old son with severe burns over more than half of his body, most of them third degree. But with neither vehicle nor phone how will they escape from the remote mountain?
Rainbow in the Flames is not only the touching survival story of young Jed Franklin’s courageous uphill battle, physically and emotionally, from a severe burn injury, but it also includes the struggle of his parents to relate to their life-altering reality. Laugh and cry with the Franklin Family as they take their first steps toward healing.

“Once in a great while I stumble onto a great book. One that celebrates life and courage and hope and constancy, parenthood overcoming overwhelming obstacles, and true enduring marital love. Linda Franklin’s Rainbow in the Flames is just such a treasure to read.” —Joe L. Wheeler, Ph.D. Editor/Compiler of 71 books including several series: Christmas in My Heart, The Good Lord Made Them All, Great Stories Remembered, and Forged in the Fire.

About the Author

Linda Franklin and her husband, Jere, both enjoy writing. They live in the Peace Country of Northern British Columbia. Photo by James Collar.