The Adventures of Willie the Worm

Willie's Big Adventure

by Scott W. Gilbert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/6/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781477254066

About the Book

This book, I believe brings out the inner feelings of most people who just want to be somewhere where there is no worries, where everybody gets along and each day is just beautiful. And short fiction story of the dreams of one of the lowest of God's creatures trying to make his way out of worry and hardship with the belief that such a place, actually exists.

About the Author

The author growing up on a farm in the early 60s, always connected with animals and people because of it being a different time. After working for most of his life. Manually, and dreaming of doing something more with the talent that has been built up for some time. Decided to retire early so he could be able to relate more to his love of writing and art.