Reclaiming the Strike Zone

Do it American

by Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781477254868
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781477254882
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781477254875

About the Book

America has steadily regressed from a Republic under the Sign of the Cross towards a mobacracy under the Sign of the Scorpion. Social responsibility and the ethics of conscience have vacated the Field of Dreams like a Baroid tater -- an “all about me” cult of celebrity has evolved. Reclaiming the Strike Zone traces the metaphorical cleat marks through “forbidden” history. The Inside Baseball version of the Soviet Socialist Paradise and Nazi Germany is pitched “shekel free.” Sub-systems of the American superstructure featuring education, entertainment, youth activities and family are explored in-depth. The search for something that has been lost -- the secret of the American Dream and American Exceptionalism -- is pursued. All base paths lead to the Christian Church and Jewish Nation. Wise Christian philosophy has been Billy-Goated off the playing field -- secular humanism has taken The Hill. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud have taken a turn at-bat and gone long. Red tide has been harnessed into Economic Determinism by the F&F Boys. The hidden ball trick has been pulled on the sheeple. Disciples of General Zod lack American patriotism. Time is of the essence to restore what has been taken -- it’s the bottom of the 9th with two away. DO IT AMERICAN and “don’t give up the ship” are battle cries. Intellectual Millenials must step up to the plate and reclaim what their baby booming Spock baby parents baptized in Dewey waters booted. Identifying the proton pseudos and resetting is the task. Restoring sub-systems [especially education] while playing small ball is the answer. Truth and patriotic leadership are catalysts. A burning desire to be an American -- free and independent -- without getting JFK’d is the secret. There is a happy ending -- it is certain. The Good News delivers that promise.

About the Author

Victor A. Baltov Jr. is the son of a double Holocaust survivor -- Nazi and Red. He is an empirical writer with an American cultural perspective derived from unique heritage -- Russian Christian, German Traditionalist Catholic, Scotch Irish Reformist and English Protestant. Being a descendant of the winning side of the American Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution losers, patriotic convictions are deep-seated -- it’s personal. Horrific historical accounts witnessed and documented by righteous indignant passionate parents mold opinions. Life experienced on all three American coastlines plus mid-West familiarity visiting relatives and selling Southwestern Company books form attitudes and judgments. A psyche ingrained in both Super-naturalism and Naturalism is reflected in the distinctive writing style -- elements of Dante Alighieri, boldness of St. Paul, strategic depth of Alexander the Great, cynical frankness of Niccolo Machiavelli and existential mindset of Viktor Frankl. A crusader approach is self-evident to restore the America founded on European Christian principles and values with liberty and equal justice the highest ideals. As a lifetime amateur hardball player, Inside Baseball analysis of American cultural dynamics using sabermetric methodology is a “natural.” All-American baseball-speak is pitched voicing political passions unfiltered by political correctness. Stepping into the metaphorical batter’s box of chin music of forbidden history extracts truth essential for saving America from neo-Communism. Inside Baseball knowledge of the Lenin-Trotsky, Stalin and Hitler regimes from a Gentile Christian perspective exists. His father was raised from birth under the harsh Marxist brutality of Judeo-Masonic Bolshevism -- later fighting in Operation Barbarossa during WW II against Nazis, and, as a Polish Combatant and ROA rogue warrior, battled Soviet Communism -- the Godlessness it represented. His American mother experienced FDR and Truman administrations -- and NATO in London after the war. Attentiveness to good versus evil effects on society results from hearing shocking eyewitness accounts. A DO IT AMERICAN consciousness is the guiding force for decision making.