Time’s Disease

Laurent In Chains

by R.S. Ebert & Illustrated by Illiana Rhea



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/14/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 870
ISBN : 9781458205469

About the Book

When a young prophetess is rescued from genocide by a retired veteran, our prolific duo teams up with a sultry bounty hunter who falls for any heroic heart. Old comrades unite amid the chaotic collapse of a world power, and rebel armies form new alliances. A princess learns of her true heritage while tribes waken powers of olden. A practitioner of occult science self-fulfills temple prophecy by resurrecting his father from the grave, only to realize the Free People he despises have become his only salvation.

Many believe these inevitable events were written in the stars from the dawn of time, and prophets are merely observant students of precession who study repetitive patterns within endless successions of natural cycles. Others say it is impossible to predict legendary incidents which happened before and are destined to occur again. Civilizations have come and gone, leaving historical warnings carved on ancient walls. Unheeded and forgotten by myth, eras are reborn to rise and fall until there comes an age when every god's immortality nears its end…

Set in a post-apocalyptic future, Time's Disease offers the classical allure of mythology with enduring messages very relevant to current events. Futuristic themes revolve around castle landscapes to create this novel recipe: a dash of mysticism, sprinkled by romance and topped by spatters of horror. Sup from hope’s cup amid epic tragedy, to partake of this bold tale. Revealed by Illiana Rhea and told by the very characters themselves, this is Laurent In Chains.

About the Author

R.S. Ebert spent a decade over the road, driving through 48 states and Canada to help create the fictional landscapes found within Time’s Disease. Encouraged to pursue a literary career by Art Department President Mr. Stevens, R.S Ebert has since been penning Time’s Disease in beautiful Ohio.