Caterpillar Stickers
Be Yourself and Be Butterfly Beautiful!
Book Details
About the Book
Ayanna lives in caterpillar village with a big loving family. Her sisters, Rosie and Tulip, attend the local Bug High and go through a lot of trouble each and every day to prepare themselves and make themselves different by applying caterpillar stickers. Caterpillar stickers are sticky butterfly wings, but they are not real, as they are just stuck on “stickers”. Rosie and Tulip think wearing the caterpillar stickers make them beautiful. Ayanna wonders if there is a better way to look “butterfly beautiful”. Ayanna is sure she does not want to wear caterpillar stickers and pretend to look like a butterfly, as she wants to transform and be a real butterfly. Ayanna learns the secret of transformation and sets out on her journey to become a beautiful butterfly. Ayanna’s name literally means “beautiful flower”.
About the Author
Sierra Rene Flad is 10 years old and attends 5th grade in Dallas Texas (Plano ISD). She loves to sing and act and is very involved in theatre acting at the Plano Children’s Theatre. She aspires to one day be a Marine Biologist. Sierra struggles with the challenges of dyslexia on a daily basis. Wonderful teachers and special programs developed for dyslexia have helped Sierra learn how to read. She is now near her grade level for reading but writing and spelling continue to be challenging. Her success achieved through acting, singing and writing stories and play scripts give her flight to soar above these daily challenges. Ruth Flad was raised in Beaver County in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. In 1986, she moved to Los Angeles, California, where she met and married her husband Steven R. Flad, her best friend for nearly 25 years. They were blessed by God to adopt both of their children, Luke in 1998 and Sierra in 2002. When Sierra was in Kindergarten and First grade they realized there was a problem with her abilities to read and write. After much investigation and testing it was determined in May 2010 that sweet little Sierra had dyslexia. Dyslexia can be very frustrating but they were not about to let it cause Sierra to dislike reading and writing. Ruth has worked in the pension/retirement business for about 27 years. She enjoys working from home in Dallas, Texas for a pension software company that services retirement plan providers. Her greatest joys come from being a wife and mom. The following information is included with permission by ADA for anyone who is interested in learning more about Dyslexia. The ADA offers free resources for dyslexia training, email them at American Dyslexia Association, Inc. (ADA), a non-profit Organization Osprey Executive Park 442 S. Tamiami Trail Osprey, FL 34229