Molly Goes to Preschool

by Cynthia Andrews



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/23/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 16
ISBN : 9781477278956

About the Book

Three year old Molly goes to preschool for the first time. She is a little scared to be away from her mommy, but with the help of her teachers and new friends, she enjoys the fun activities in the classroom and outside playground. Every preschool child can relate to the first day fears as they identify with the children in the story.

About the Author

Cindy Andrews has worked with young children for the past 35 years and has a degree in child development. She has a great understanding of how children interact with each other through first hand observations and experiences as a preschool teacher, director, mother and grandmother. She was born and raised in southern California and now resides in the south bay area.