by Kelsie R. Gat es



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781458206008

About the Book

A ten year old boy is lost from a wagon train headed west. Saved by an Indian from starving. The Indian having lost his own son and family in a massacre raises him as his own giving him the name Chad’tu.

A few years later the Indian dies and Chad’tu is captured by a gunslinger while trying to steal his horse. The gunslinger, and also a gunsmith teaches Chad’tu the ways of the white man, along with how to use a pair of colt 44’s.

Later he is talked into becoming sheriff of Tombstone by the articulate Mayor.

Almost shot by Indians he makes friends by speaking with his Indian tongue. He falls in love with his friend’s sister. On an exploration of the Black Mountains He discovers the place to build their ranch. He marries his love Jaydeen and they settle and start a cattle ranch in a large valley of the Black Mountains in Indian territory.

One day he discovers a wolf pup abandoned by its mother. With care and love it grows into a huge grey wolf. They named him Track. They are wondrously happy until Chad’tu returns one day to find her gone, abducted by unknowns. He sets out to save his wife from a fate for which he has no idea. Angry and out for revenge he rides on their trail followed by Track.

Born in the early 1930’s in Weatherford, Oklahoma, a depression era baby. Raised in Oklahoma City and spent the summers on the farm in Hammond Oklahoma, until the age of ten, when I was transplanted to Bakersfield, California. Where I now live with my dog. A grey male hybrid wolf.

About the Author

Born in the early 1930’s in Weatherford, Oklahoma, a depression era baby. Raised in Oklahoma City and spent the summers on the farm in Hammond Oklahoma, until the age of ten, when I was transplanted to Bakersfield, California. Where I now live with my dog. A grey male hybrid wolf.