by Y.G. Nyghtstorm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/15/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9781477285725
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9781477285718

About the Book

There is an old saying which goes, “GOD will never give you more than you can handle”. In most cases this is true. Life does have a way of teaching us lessons that build character and wisdom is gained. There are times however, when life becomes a bully and strong arms us into submission. Do you feel as though your problems are insurmountable and there is no positive way to change your life? Maybe you have made some bad decisions. You are not alone; most people share these feelings at some point in their lives. I have been there myself countless times. The one thing that has kept me going is my belief that as long as I’m alive, I still have a chance. I’ve learned over the years that most situations are fixable. You just have to find a positive approach that will bring about the outcome you desire. Whether your challenges involve your career, parenting, relationships or your mental well-being I can relate to your situation. As you read the pages of this book you will learn about the mistakes I have made and the lessons I have learned. I have been through hell and I have made it out of the other side. Let me show you how I did it because rather you believe it or not, you can too.

About the Author

Y.G. Nyghtstorm is an international speaker and published author that specializes in motivating people. His goal is to help them find the strength within themselves to take action when faced with some of the many unforeseen events that can happen in life. "You have the strength to change your life despite adversity" is his motto. Mr. Nyghtstorm’s passion to help others stems from his own adversity. Unfortunately, he has suffered many traumas including being raped by a camp counselor when he was eleven years old, was homeless and slept on the streets of Atlanta in his late teens, endured two divorces and suffered the loss of a child. His empathy for others is genuine and is a critical tool he uses to help empower victims to conquer their adversity. During his seminars and speaking engagements, Mr. Nyghtstorm guides both men and women while teaching techniques that assist them with a variety of different topics. His program covers everything from parenting and the fatherless home epidemic, homelessness, depression, child abuse, teen suicide, dating, and protecting your mental wellbeing. His mission is to help people conquer the vices that are hindering the positive way of life that they want for themselves, their family situation, and all involved. Mr. Nyghtstorm is co-founder of a charity that helps grieving parents adjust to the loss of a child created in memory of his son Victor called the Victor Sims Foundation. The charity also assists high school graduates in becoming First Responders through their scholarship program. If you would like more information about Y.G.. Nyghtstorm and you are interested in having him speak to your organization or if you would like to book him as a keynote speaker at your next event please visit