The World As I See It

by Shelly Hill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/14/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781462405589
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781462405596

About the Book

In The World As I See It, Shelly Hill seeks to encourage each of us to find God’s personal message for us. This fully illustrated guide explains that life is more than experiencing the world through television and the Internet. It’s about developing a personal relationship with God as you live the moments of each day. Every life has times of joy and times of sorrow, and the balance between the light and the darkness depends upon the filter through which you choose to look and live your life. If you see events through the filter of God’s love, then the shadows of the bad times can serve to draw your eyes to the beauty of His blessings in your life.
The World As I See It focuses on the moments that encourage you to find God’s personal message for you through beautiful color photographs that illustrate the carefully chosen words and thoughts in this helpful and inspiring guide to life.

Love remembers the little things discounted by the world.
Love waits, not because it’s convenient but because it’s sometimes necessary.
Love has time when life is too busy.
Love gives without calculating the risks.
Love blooms only when it is shared.

About the Author

Shelly Hill lost her baby and nearly lost her life when a virus attacked her heart; even so, she didn’t lose faith. Today she uses her experiences and creative talents to help people who are going through their own difficult times. She currently lives in Virginia.