Testimony of Tears
Book Details
About the Book
This book starts from my early childhood experiences in Johannesburg South Africa. Coming from an abusive home to later in Life facing many challenges in the US, from being homeless and receiving harsh treatment from past relationships. I had ambitions but could not fulfill them,my belief in God became paramount when I tried to commit suicide. I was introduced to God’s salvation which led to my LIFE turning around. This produced new direction to my LIFE and my personal goals. LOVE, TACO BUTTERFLY
About the Author
How did I become Taco, My wonderful grandpa, who I really looked up to and adored gave me the cute childhood name Taco, and I was his princess. Butterfly, comes from a very precious Lady who was my mentor, ‘She told me! that she has watched me grow from a caterpillar, to a Butterfly.” I am a sensitive, God loving person who has an Indian Heritage, who grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. This story begins with my early childhood and the major part of this book occured while living in the United States.