Collection of Truths

by Nazila Nayyeri



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/15/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781477243336
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781477243299

About the Book

"Collection of Truths" is an inspirational and fulfilling poetry book composed by an Iranian writer. The poems have philantropic, inspirational, psychological and mankind tenors, enjoying an elegant and transparent nature in a graceful background.

About the Author

Nazila Nayyeri was born in 1970 in Tehran, the capital city of Iran and grew up in a renown and educated family in which knowledge and science, culture and morality had always had a particular place. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in General Biology from Islamic Free University of Tehran. At the age of 27, she was greatly influenced by reading and contemplating on the book of "Nahjal Balagheh" which was initially composed by Imam Ali, the first Imam and successor of Shia Muslim after the prophet Mohammad which gave her a remarkable insight to undeniable realities of life and the true essence of this World. She obtained her master of Science in Biomedical Science from London Metropolitan University. Nazila Nayyeri has writen two other books in Persian language . The first one is ' Majmoueye Haghayegh' which is the tranlation of Collection of Truths. Another one is a concise scientific book in Biology and its application titled "Mafahime Asli dar Zist Shenasi Va Karborde Aan".