No Sense of Humor

The Beginning

by Nick Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/26/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781481700603
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781481700610

About the Book

The book entails the adventures of four men, each with their own style of humor. It includes countless tales of their pranks, talking pets, and a never ending way to out do the other. Written by a person who claims he has no sense of humor but actually displays humor in the rarest form. It also has a mystery for the reader to solve based on the adventures of the characters within the book, leading the reader to find out what is in store for these four brave souls as they continue their quest in winning the coveted trophy of practical jokes. It also combines a unique blend of humor as seen in relationships, complete with talking pets who are treated as family members and who have their own sense of humor.

About the Author

The author uses his vast experiences to tell stories which creates a vivid imagination within the reader. Having served in the Army for 18 years, the author worked in the Corp of Engineers for 16 years, 9 of which was served overseas. Born and raised in New England, the author moved to Missouri to pursue another career as well as his third degree in Criminal Justice.He decided to put his talent for research papers to good use because of all the praise and high grades he received from his college professors.He was able to adopt a pet from an animal shelter since the author is a strong activist regarding animal cruelty, a beloved pet owner who nursed a dying dog back to health against all odds.