
by Reuben J Paschal



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781481705165
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781481705158

About the Book

Question: What do you get when you cross teenagers with the everyday normal life situations? Answer: Add a twist of fiction and some bad attitudes and this is what you end up with. It's a rollercoaster ride of drugs, alcohol and outer body experiences caught up with love and depression, followed by hate and the unexplained. P.S. Watch out for the Reaper

About the Author

Since I was a teenager in High School I loved to write poetry. Eventually, it evolved into something more and so I came up with this story. My father has struggled over the years with Diabetes and I know plenty of other people that have been down that road as well. I decided to write a fiction novel based on the Diabetes, but also deal with everyday subjects such as broken families, drugs, alcholism and of there's of cousre the science-fiction of the story which envolves the ever popular outer body experience. When one young man finds out the hard way about Diabetes he falls into a deep coma and the whole time you're stuck wondering if it's all real or not. I also wrote this book to teach the dangers of Diabetes in hopes that the reader will understand, but at the same time be a little on the weird side and add all the impossible things that this story has to offer. I've lived just about all my life in the little town of Pleasant Garden in North Carolina. It;s always been home for me, but I;m the kind of person that can adjust to his enviroment. I consider myself to be very intelligent. I have all kinds of skills and I'm capable of learning just about anything. No one in my family knows where I get it from. I tell them God gave it to me. Without him I am nothing. I truely believe that there is a good reason he gave me the power to write this book even though I hate to read and failed English. I'm very confident in my work that I hope that one day someone will realize it and make it into three movies. I know that there is a lot of competition out there, but there is one thing I have that they don't and that's my book.