
A Travers and Karpinski Novel

by C. Carl Roberts



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/13/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781458209337
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781458209344
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781458209320

About the Book

For thirty years, the cries of dying men and the searing agony of guilt have haunted John Travers—all because he made a decision in a Vietnamese jungle that resulted in the deaths of nine good soldiers. Now, after suffering through decades of self-hatred and bitterness, Travers has finally come to the conclusion that life is good.

And then Philip Mackey shows up. Travers—the owner of a private investigation firm with his business partner, Wally Karpinski—does not know much about Mackey except that he was a reasonably competent soldier who once saved his life. But it is not long before Mackey’s appearance and his revelations force Travers to confront his demons and question long-held truths. With the help of Karpinski and an eclectic group of associates, Travers embarks on a journey into the past where he must delve into humanity at its worst.

In this fast-paced thriller, the excruciating consequences of war erupt after thirty years, bringing violence, vengeance, and redemption to a Vietnam vet who must fight through the pain in order to find the inner peace he so desperately needs.

About the Author

C. Carl Roberts is a professor at a major medical school on the West Coast. Abreaction is his third Travers and Karpinski novel.