Finding New Neighbors

Clearing the Way to ... "Clear to Close"

by Wesley C. Brooks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/29/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781481717724
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781481717700
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781481717717

About the Book

Clearing the way to close can be a defining process for many professionals in the real estate industry. This process can easily separate the professional from the amateur or part time agent. Professional Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Brokers face a tough challenge every day. Negotiating an offer written on behalf of a buyer; Professional Realtors stand out from the general public as experts in their field. Whether it's a matter of disclosure requirements, ethics or simply due diligence on behalf of a transaction, it's important to seek the advice and representation of a true full time professionally licensed Realtor in every real estate transaction regardless of what side you may be on. "Finding New Neighbors" takes the reader into the trenches of buying real estate. If the buyer is looking to purchase a residential home, vacant land or a commercial investment property, this book will cover many of the specialized elements that they will encounter along the way. No single publication makes up an entire library of information. As this book reflects the buyers side of real estate, my next book "Echoes in the Hall" will represent the seller's side of the industry. In my last book; "Guide to New Custom Home Ownership", the reader learned about the process of new construction. Additional publications will be added along the way. "It is my intent to supply the reader an easy to understand publication that they can use as they proceed in searching for their new home or additional property for their family, future and investments." This book is designed with sections dedicated to writing notes and outlines so the reader can share their thoughts and ideas with their chosen agent or lender.

About the Author

Author, Wes Brooks is a third generation Realtor and a fifth generation custom home builder and private pilot. As owner of New Style Construction (Retired) and licensed Realtor with a Large International Real Estate Corporate Firm, Wes has dedicated his life to working inside the housing industry for more than 35 years. The love and passion of working with buyers (as well as sellers and new custom home clients) has brought Wes the success and recognition by serving on the Michigan Business Advisory Committee in 2002 and being named Michigan’s Business Man of the Year by a Congressional Committee of Congress in Washington D.C. in 2003 and 2004. Sharing combined knowledge of the construction and real estate world with his clients, Wes Brooks publishes books and other literature to assist each of his clients to a better understanding of the process. The intent of each publication is to create a combined collection of information that can take the guess work, confusion and stress out of each project of the reader. “I have always believed that an educated client makes for the best client.”