Meet Betsy

by Ann Fisher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/16/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 20
ISBN : 9781481739962

About the Book

World War 11 was in progress led by Nazi Germany. They were invading the European countries. England was caught up in middle of air raids; the enemy was on the March. FDR was in the White House. Americans were anxious to hear from love ones. It is amazing history has a way of repeating itself. We were in a Depression much like we are today. The middles East is burning. America is facing a real crisis. These are my true stories of my childhood as; only a child holds in her or his heart about a new found friend that filled a young heart with love. I was either 5 or 6 when I first met Betsy, our first adventure started on that cold Windy Night on a west Texas farmland. She was so tiny cute and we were going to be friends forever. I just knew it as a child. So our adventures started when I wrapped her in a warm blanket cold, hungry, crying so tiny; she smiled at me after that first bottle of warm milk. I hope all the children young and old will enjoy these true stories as much as I have putting in print and pictures for you. They are very fond memories and I hope all the children will love Betsy as I did when your get to know her.

About the Author

World War 11 was in progress led by Nazi Germany. They were invading the European countries. England was caught up in middle of air raids; the enemy was on the March. FDR was in the White House. Americans were anxious to hear from love ones. It is amazing history has a way of repeating itself. We were in a Depression much like we are today. The middles East is burning. America is facing a real crisis. These are my true stories of my childhood as; only a child holds in her or his heart about a new found friend that filled a young heart with love. I was either 5 or 6 when I first met Betsy, our first adventure started on that cold Windy Night on a west Texas farmland. She was so tiny cute and we were going to be friends forever. I just knew it as a child. So our adventures started when I wrapped her in a warm blanket cold, hungry, crying so tiny; she smiled at me after that first bottle of warm milk. I hope all the children young and old will enjoy these true stories as much as I have putting in print and pictures for you. They are very fond memories and I hope all the children will love Betsy as I did when your get to know her. I want to dedicate this book to my friend Linda Gaines Williams, her companionship, encouragement and believing in me and to sweet Jill Williams a special person. May God Bless, Ann Fisher