My Flesh is Out of Control was written to bring spiritual awareness so you can recognize the tricks of the enemy. It is as if some of us are in a mine field, or in a place of destruction not knowing that one bad step will cause you to commit spiritual suicide. Many of us are unaware of our surroundings because we are blinded by our addictions and struggles. We feel that we have failed God and ourselves and have allowed guilt and shame to drive us into a place of depression and low self-esteem. We have tried to controlled our environment and have become spiritually blind. Our sight has gone dim. The plan of the enemy is left undetected; we are not able to see him coming. The ability to focus and make clear decisions pertaining to our everyday life; our ministries, health, finances and how we govern our family, is now lost.
It is important for you to understand the spirit of the adder (enemy) and how it operates in the scriptures. The adder is a venomous snake that has no sight and only moves at the sense of vibration. They hear with an inner ear that picks up vibration from the ground. The snake can only survive in cold grasslands and are only active at sundown. Although they can’t hear they have well developed eyesight and a good sense of smell.
The snake uses there, sit and wait technique to catch its prey. Generally, they began to look for food right around dusk. The snake will wait in one place for the prey to pass by so it can strike out, using fangs to inject the prey with enough venom to be fatal. Their keen sense of smell follows the wounded prey to its death, and then they proceed to consume it head first. The snake’s skin is a color block pattern that protects them from their predators.
To be Christ like is to walk after the spirit not after the flesh. When we are not submitted to the Lord in prayer fasting and supplication an open door is given to the enemy. Our sprit becomes cold and isolated we began now to walk after the flesh. The enemy hides in cold areas of our lives lying wait to devour us. Many times the enemy is undetected because he has blended himself into our surroundings and become unnoticeable. Don’t underestimate the enemy he has a long term plan. He will sit and wait even as the adder to attack you. Attacks can come from unexpected places and unexpected people. But if God is for you then no one can be against you.
The scriptures urge us not to get caught up into the cares of this world because in this world is only the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. In your flesh lies your appetite and your desires, the enemy knows what you crave so he waits for you to return to your fleshly desires. When our attacks come they happen when we are moving forward into that which God has promised us. The enemy attacks only when there is movement or vibration as long as you are not moving or making progress in your life or ministry the enemy doesn’t attack. When we decide to wake up out of our slothfulness and begin to move towards the call of God, that’s when the enemy raises his head to attack us. Just like the adder he is fine until you move forward into your destiny. When you make progress, that’s when he becomes upset.
What ever you do, don’t let the enemy stop your movement in God. God has given you a specific purpose and assignment, the trick of the enemy is to get you to loose your focus in the fight. He knows if he poisons your spirit with lies, hurt and rejection, he can get you in a place where you become fearful, unsure and full of doubt. He knows he can’t destroy the vision that God has given you so he starts a venomous attack against you and tries to destroy your dreams through fear and unbelief. What ever you do don’t be afraid of the enemy.
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) (KJV)
I am reminded of Paul in the book of acts how when he steeped off the ship and grabbed a bundle of sticks and in him grabbing sticks and making a fire there was a viper that came out the fire and fastened on his hand but he felt no harm and shook him off back into the fire. So you do not have to be afraid of the enemy, just shake it off, it may try to strike or attach to you but just know God has given you the victory. Stay focus on the will of God for your life and do not let the enemy stop you from moving forward into the plan of God.
If we are not careful, our actions or strongholds will cause us to compromise what is right just to make wrong things we do feel good, just to be accepted. We have become a generation of people who would do anything to be accepted by people that have no self value, no self respect or love for the God we serve. I knew my flesh was out of control when I could no longer control my emotions or thoughts that came to my mind. If I thought about it, I would do it. I could not stop myself from sinning against the will of God. I had no self-worth, I didn’t believe in myself anymore. I felt like a failure to my family and the world.
My love ones were never around, I was angry at my life and what it had become. I developed an addictive behavior for illegal substance because of the love of money. Couldn’t sleep or eat for days, sometimes weeks. I was chasing death but didn’t fear death. I could have died in the midst of all my sins. I didn’t care what it took, my flesh just hungered after my lust and the addiction grew stronger and stronger. I felt as though it would never go away.