Roo-Star, the Smartest Chicken in the Coop

by Robin Bolton & Illustrated by Anthony Bowman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/30/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781462405848
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781462405855

About the Book

“Roo-Star” who thinks that he is The Smartest Chicken In The Coop also thinks that on such a beautiful day a smart chicken (such as himself) should not be cooped up in an old chicken coop. When Farmer Joe left the gate to the coop open “Roo-Star” ventured out on his quest for a new life. While on his journey he ran into some of the farm animals and rubbed them the wrong way.

An amiable character by the name of Mrs. I’m-a-Whoo (despite being annoyed by “Roo-Star”) end up saving his life. “Roo-Star” reprogrammed his selfish way of thinking and also came to realize the great need and beneficial security of his home.

“Roo-Star” The Smartest Chicken In The Coop is filled with humorous characters that will live in the hearts and minds of young ones for a lifetime.

About the Author

Robin Bolton a native of Hattiesburg, Mississippi loves to write, cook, travel and do home improvement. She is an avid writer of children books, biographies, and poems. In the pages of her children stories are life learning lessons that incorporate good values into the mind of her young readers. Bolton always manage to makes time for her ministry, family and friends where she gain her biggest inspiration.

Anthony Bowman a native of Hattiesburg, Mississippi and freelance artist loves to see his inner child come to life in the creations of his characters. His love for art began at an early age and his enthusiasm for his gift can be witnessed throughout every character that he creates. Bowman greatly enjoys an interchange of encouragement to and from his audience.