In Soft Drink Marketing a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Market

by W. Robert Watson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/25/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781481741828

About the Book

The stories in this book include a lot of marketing decisions, some of which include marketing mistakes that should be of great interest. The purpose of this marketing review is to provide knowledge of the marketing implemented by a major soft drink company on the way to the market, and to ensure that readers have a full understanding of the importance of what are known as the five Ps of marketing.

About the Author

The author served in the soft drink industry as a company district manager based in Salt Lake City and subsequently as a district manager in Birmingham, Alabama. He then was a senior district manager in Dallas and a regional manger in New Orleans and New York. He also served as a Chicago-based area marketing manager for over ten Midwestern states. By the early 1980s, he was at the corporate headquarters and was able to participate in the planning and execution of what was known as the Bottler Structure Project. That project, which was subsequently followed by the formation of a publicly held company of his corporation, was fascinating, as was the formation of the publicly held company, which has subsequently been acquired by the corporation.