Little-A Picks Lefty

by Ted E. Hill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/1/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781462407156
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781462407163

About the Book

In a classic tale of a boy and his dog, this is the heartwarming story of Little-A and his pup, Lefty. But Little-A is not your average six-year-old, and Lefty is not your typical dog. They share similar physical challenges—and so much more.

Set in lower Delaware, on an estate that is as picturesque as it is serene, boy and dog are united with the help of the Old Serge, a retired veteran and owner of the estate. Although the Old Serge is an expert with children, a revered father, and adored grandfather, well loved and respected by the wonderful family members we meet throughout the story, he has never come across anything quite like what he sees unfold between Little-A and Lefty. The bond between these two extends farther than that of any boy and dog he’s ever known—and maybe even beyond the realm of human consciousness. Part mystery, part myth, this adventure explores the amazing possibilities that are present when a lot of love comes in contact with a little magic.

About the Author

Ted E. Hill is a native of Delaware, born in Wilmington in 1922. He has enjoyed a long and interesting life, having spent more than twenty years in the military. The most important aspect of Ted’s life has always been his family. He is the proud father of five and grandfather of ten.