My Dream, My Story, My Life
Book Details
About the Book
Charley: Thank you for allowing me to read the manuscript for your book. I find it one of them you cant put down until you’ve finished it. Having grown up in the same time frame, and experiencing the same working conditions, and being made to feel like an outsider, left a scar that has yet to heal. I have managed to leave that all behind as the love we shared within our family tree helped soothe the name calling. We were poor, yet we were rich and remain to this day in what we endured and shared in those early days. I would not change any of it except perhaps the load our parents carried. They instilled in us a sold work ethic and the desire to better ourselves, since this was their main objective. It is a testament to them that all their children went on to life outside the cycle of migrant field hands. Your book will take us back in time and relive the days of our youth, and for others give them a glimpse of time gone by. In His Love, Lloyd Medina
About the Author
The American Dream: True story of an American Latino’s determination to succeed. The writer has encountered and overcome many obstaciles in his search for the American Dream, leaving the field work in Colorado in pursuit of a better way of life. His story will take you back to the past and present. It was in the twelfth grade, just before graduation that he decided to join the Navy. This was in 1952 during the Korean War. He served his four years as a communication electrician aboard the USS Priceton, an aircraft carrier. He started his Telephone career, shortly after leaving the service in 1957, and was promoted to a management position in 1965. His eight years as a supervisor were spent working for Pacific Telephone, AT&T longlines and U.S. West. This is where he acquired most of his formal training, writing appraisals on many craft people and business letters for upper management. He was inspired to write his story on his family and friends, after giving his testimony at one of the communityPrayer meetings. He has given his personal opinion on many issues, nevertheless it is left up to the reader to make up their own minds.