by Dr. James W. Huntley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/19/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 438
ISBN : 9781491805060
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 438
ISBN : 9781491805077

About the Book

This book has been designed to culminate a study on our position with God as disciples. We have not been chosen to assume the position as Lords. We must not usurp the position as a Lord. We have not been chosen to be served but to serve; therefore, this book will explain, in detail, our callings and limitations as it refers to our position and anointing. This book does not indicate how anointed you are. It only references that your anointing cannot be any greater than God has chosen to give unto you. This book will list in detail that authority has to be given and not taken. Therefore, as our Master and King God alone grants us the power and authority as he chooses to disseminate amid the Body of Christ. This book has been designed to explain that we are not Lords but disciples. A disciple is a follower and student of a mentor, teacher, or other figure. The higher our calling, the greater our servitude should be. Additionally, we are considered as Servant Leaders. Servant leadership is both a leadership philosophy and set of leadership practices. Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid.” By comparison, the servant-leader shares power but most importantly puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. Therefore, I have attempted to reference in detail our positions and appointments and what the scripture indicates in reference to our responsibilities with that calling and position. Although we are powerful and full of an anointing by God, we must understand that whatever God has given we should utilize it to complete the work of God and not our personal agendas. Furthermore, it is not our will that should be implemented but that of God and him alone. When we understand our position with God, we can perform our duties with greater convictions and at a higher level.

About the Author

Dr. James Huntley is a graduate of A. L. Brown High School in North Carolina. Dr. Huntley graduated from Winston Salem State University, Winston Salem, North Carolina, with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Sociology. He is a graduate of the Church of God School of Theology in Cleveland, Tennessee, with a Master’s of Science degree in Religion. Dr. Huntley is a graduate from Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, with a Masters of Education degree in Guidance Counseling and he also obtained a doctorate degree from Bowie State University with a concentration in Special Education. Also, Dr. Huntley received a doctoral degree from Logos graduate school in Jacksonville, Florida and graduated with a PH.D in Addiction Counseling. Dr. Huntley resides in the State of Maryland with his wife, Cheryl Pratt-Huntley. Dr. Huntley has been in ministry over 32 years. He received his first ministerial license March 1980. He has three ranks of licensures; namely, Exhorters, License Minister and Ordained Minister which is the highest rank of license in the Church of God. Dr. Huntley serves as the pastor of the Refuge Temple Worship Center in Temple Hills, Maryland where he is the founder. He has served the Church of God Organization as Liaison to the Evangelism Board in the State of North Carolina; Liaison of Cross Cultural Ministries in North Carolina; State Evangelist in North Carolina; State Youth and Christian Education Director in the state of New York; and State Council Member in the State of New York. Additionally, Dr. Huntley has trained choirs. Currently, Dr. Huntley works in the Public School System as a Pupil Personnel Worker and sometimes as a designee for the Superintendent for the Prince George County Board of Education.