What does it mean to “Crack the Shell”?
Much of the time I will spend in this book will be defining just what that actually means, but allow me first to put that concept into a concise statement.
There is a fine thin shell between this dimension that we live in and the dimensions of eternal things.
Some individuals will be selected by God to pass through that thin shell through a dream or a vision.
They will in reality … crack the shell!
My term for them is … shell crackers!
When I witnessed the grand vision from God it allowed me a divinely appointed temporary and limited access to pass through that fine thin shell of the death and dying world of this fragile life into an everlasting dimension of eternal things into a distinct and different heavenly realm.
The first book I wrote, “42 A Mission of Martyrs to Save the World” was more of a brief documentation of what happened but more critically important was God’s awesome plan of hope and salvation that He revealed to me and instructed me to write about. So that first book genuinely needed to focus on His masterful plan and the incredible Mission of hope for rescuing lost souls that He presented to us all.
This book will now hyper focus more on visions and dreams and the curious details around these Bible doctrines, the who’s, the how’s, the what’s, and the why’s.
I will non-apologetically make only a very few limited Bible references.
Interestingly, in this intriguing area of visions and dreams, our mysterious God designed His Holy Word to include relatively limited Bible doctrine, but more importantly God did that to test our faith in these areas of prophetic dreams and visions, not our sound Bible knowledge.
So let’s first discuss why I talk about passing from this temporary dimension of the world of death and the dying into heavenly dimensions of eternal things with the analogy of cracking through the shell.
There a couple of reasons why I personally feel that this is a fairly accurate description of how our awesome God presented His amazing dream and vision to me and a relatively descent analogy of how it all flowed and actually transpired.
First, let’s go back to that mid summer night in northern Michigan when a series of glimpses I had been having for many years finally all came together for the first time ever in a powerful grand vision from the Lord.
I had just been woken up in a jolting fashion and sat straight up in bed with the stunning realization that I had been having a vivid life like dream. An incredible prophetic dream that included an amazing Godly plan. A strategic dream that had begun to reveal the actual meaning behind these brief glimpses. It was this insightful supernatural dream that actually showed the connections between all things.
It was a dream that was so extremely powerful and so amazing that it has been thoroughly life changing in dramatic ways and completely transforming to my beliefs and wholly revamped my thinking and understanding of all things especially spiritual things.
Following this masterful dream suddenly neon glowing white balls of light about the size of baseballs were whirling to and fro, back and forth bouncing all around the room.
They appeared like glowing hyperactive oversized pin balls, and their frenzied motions were so lightning fast that my eyes could barely keep up with their jumbled random overactive motions.
Then all at once they abruptly halted; each just floated in mid air nearly motionless at weightless spots all around the room.
Suddenly once again at a blazing speed they darted for the area just out in front of me. They then proceeded to fall into rows as if instructed to do so by a military official. They aligned themselves in two evenly spaced rows of eight balls of light each. Sixteen total balls of luminescent light suspended in mid air flight.
They appeared to actually be alive like living beings; it was almost like they were breathing. Smaller and then larger they continued to pulsate smaller and then larger once again.
I realized at that precise moment that these pulsating balls of luminescent light actually contained those same glimpses that I had been having over that long period of years and now amazingly they were all together for the first time ever.
Next I noticed that they were lined up in an organized fashion for a divine reason or an instructive purpose, and that designed intention was that they had been sent to me by our omniscient God to supernaturally reveal an entire grand vision of the Lord.
Each shocking glimpse contained within the balls of light was just a fractional part of the whole entire grand vision. It was then when they began to put forth a masterful plan of a divine Mission of God and then to additionally connect all things.
As I looked at the first beaming ball of light, I noticed on the outer edges of the light was a multitude of rainbow like colors glowing in neon bright intensity.
It appeared to me as if light was actually bending on the outer fringes of these balls of light. It looked as though they had somehow created a portal, like if you were looking into a black hole only this was a pure white brilliant light with a hole in the core or the center of this glowing portal.
As I focused my attention toward the center of the light, the light became whiter and brighter and brilliantly luminescent with Holiness and purity and filled me with the calming sense of a peaceful warm blanket of love.
It was the warm feelings of peace and love which drew me toward the center of this portal of light.
It was then that the first sphere of light drifted slowly toward me. As if it were alive and speaking to my spirit, it beckoned me to look more deeply within.
As I gazed more intently within the core, the light began to drift toward me in a misty cloud like fashion.
It was as if a blinding light were contained within thin sheets of pure Holy white clouds and they began the process of connecting to me, my life, my spirit, and the Holy Spirit of God alive within. Through these same beams of light the glimpses also began to connect to each other.
It was during those wondrous moments that I was drawn through the tenuous shell of this temporary world and dimension of decay, death, and dying. I passed through a tear in the fabric of this superficial dimension into another world.
I passed through the center of this first ball of light with shimmering beams of pure white brilliant light streaming around me and surrounding me.
I was somehow transported through a small opening or a crack in the shell of this world of the death and dying and now into a unique and different world.
I entered into a divergent dimension, one where things always were and always will be and a world of timeless eternal things.
I then began to see the levels of different dimensions and how they are layered on top and on the sides of one another and the infinite grids that stretched out as far as my eyes could see in all directions. These boundless grids kept all things connected.
I began to understand that there is a grander Godly purpose and meaning to all things and it was these limitless grids that kept all things infinitely connected even to the smallest degrees.
When I passed through the shell of this world, one thing that I witnessed was how paper thin the shell is between these two distinct worlds.
One of the most dramatic changes in my life and my thinking since seeing this blazing vision is that I realize how temporary and almost fake this life we live really is.