Our Invisible Friend

by Cynthia A. Jewell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/24/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781491826652
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781491826645

About the Book

Our Invisible Friend is a series of ten delightful short stories. Tommy is Jyllian and Landon’s friend who comes to play with them; he often brings some items and leaves others, and sometimes he takes things with him when he leaves. Mom and Dad ask the kids about the items that mysteriously appear and disappear; the kids explain that Tommy did it. Mom and Dad soon learn to accept Tommy as a member of the family. A child’s imagination is endless. It’s the driving force behind creativity. It should be encouraged in every direction. Our Invisible Friend teaches young and old alike to keep their minds open and dare to imagine; go ahead, take a trip down that rabbit hole. As Dr. Seuss put it, “Think left and think right, think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try.”

About the Author

Cynthia A. Jewell had regular babysitting jobs as a teenager, often reading bedtime stories, and later she worked in a day care and as a secretary in a middle school. She resides in Hannibal, Missouri, with her husband of thirty-four years. Although they don’t have children of their own, Cynthia and her husband are very close to her niece’s family, who played a very big role in writing Our Invisible Friend.