Into the Heart of Reality

The Inner Voice

by Safiullah



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/17/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781481768467
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781481768481
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781481768474

About the Book

Into the Heart of Reality, a series of spiritual reflections on God, nature, psychology and Islam, is written with suppleness, tenderness and intelligence. Author Safiullah’s poetic prose challenges us to look closely at the world we know – the world of sensation and emotion, the world of mistrust and infidelity-and go beyond it; to open our minds and souls to a new understanding of this temporal world. —Blue Ink Review Widely traveled debut author Safiullah aims to strike a life-changing chord about the true nature of reality. He attempts this through a series of brief commentaries on spiritual topics that counsel against pride, ingratitude, materialism, spiritual forgetfulness, a wagging tongue and pointless mental ruminations. He often assumes the role of teacher, dutifully backing up his assertions in commentaries that make specific reference to verses the sacred scriptures and to the teachings of the Prophet. —Kirkus Reviews Reading Into the Heart of Reality as a tool for prayer and reflection would work beautifully for those who enjoy using books for daily inspiration. All of the entries can stand alone; a reader can open the book to a random page and be assured of finding something meaningful to ponder. Safiullah writes like a poet dabbling in prose; when it fails, the deeper truth still shines, and when it works, it transcends. —ForeWord Reviews, Clarion Review

About the Author

Dr Mohamed Safiullah Munsoor’s international career in development spans over three decades. He has worked with Save the Children, the Canadian International Development Agency and spent nearly twenty years of his career with several United Nations Organizations. His work, which primarily focuses on poverty reduction, strategic planning, and program management, has taken him across many continents to remote locations in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and the Middle-East. He has worked in over twenty-five countries, including the United Kingdom and Switzerland. He says that this work is grace from the Lord, tempered by insights gained through his life experiences and research, as well as his interaction with spiritual persons and use of contemplative practices. Safiullah is from Sri Lanka, where he received his basic education from Royal College, Colombo, and then advanced his studies in the United Kingdom and Australia. He studied at Seal-Hayne College, England, the University of London, the University of Queensland, and holds a PhD from the University Of Reading. He is currently registered for his second PhD with the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia, where he is exploring the nexus between Worship and Code of Ethics, with special focus on Contemplative Practices within Islam. His curiosity since childhood and his parental encouragement of learning have enabled him to journey into research and explore many different cultures and ways of life. He learnt Buddhism in Myanmar, including meditative practices, as well as the system of Yoga in Sri Lanka. His interest includes self-studies in Judaism and Christianity. He is currently actively pursuing Islamic contemplative thoughts and practices, with special emphasis on the new advances in neurosciences, psychology and mindfulness. He has completed the Basic Practitioner course in Neuro-Semantics & Neuro-linguistic Programming and is currently working towards being a Master Practitioner. For the past five years, Safiullah has been working with an International Multilateral Development Bank as a Manager in Strategy and Program Management within the Global Poverty Reduction Fund. This organization largely covers fifty-six countries, including twenty-seven Least Development Member Countries. His area of expertise and interest is in Community Driven Development that empowers the vulnerable segments of society, including women and disadvantaged groups.