Fragile Blue

Probabilities and Possibilities

by John Jacob English



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/22/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9781491882719
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9781491882726

About the Book

The story of Fragile Blue interweaves three different themes. Almost everyone has had some surprising experiences connected to their conscious and unconsciousness awareness. The first thread in this story starts by painting a brief picture of some of these subtle and faintly remembered experiences. Such observations by their very nature are neither true nor false because they cannot be analysed within a purely objective framework. The second thread in the story is conjectured around the possibility that intelligent species at a cosmic level may have developed some form of Mayday Principle. Such a principle may be built around similar values in human culture. Within such a Mayday Principle, when someone or some group, finds themselves in extreme danger and appeal for help they should be given as much assistance as possible. The level of that assistance will reflect on the maturity of the group giving the assistance rather than the receiver. The third thread in the story looks at the possibilities of how our global civilisation could metamorphose into a spacefaring civilisation. The forces that are shaping our present and our future seem to be moving our species towards a global civilisation however defined. This process, of Homo sapiens evolving through global civilisation towards a spacefaring one, is seen to be tested by the iron law of survivability.

About the Author