My Perfect Purple Glasses

by Cynthia L. Davis and Baby Sue Acree



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/2/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781496901170
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781496901163

About the Book

Susie finds second grade exciting, until the students are required to complete a vision screening. The vision screening reveals that Susie cannot see out of her right eye like all the other kids can. One of the boys begins to bully Susie. Tommy, the new boy in class who wears glasses, comforts Susie. Over the next year, Tommy supports Susie with her patching and vision therapy. In addition, he helps Susie gain confidence to confront those who would bully her. Susie finally enjoys wearing her perfect purple glasses.

About the Author

Cynthia L. Davis is the mother of a child who was diagnosed with amblyopia when he was three years old. Through hard work and dedication to wearing a patch and completing vision therapy, her son was able to regain vision in his amblyopic eye. Cynthia resides outside Seattle, WA with her husband and son. Baby Sue Acree was diagnosed with amblyopia more than fifty years ago during a second grade class screening. She experienced bullying while patching and wearing glasses. She and Cynthia have been friends for almost twenty years. After observing Cynthia working with her son to help regain his vision, she and Cynthia decided to write the book, My Bright Blue Glasses. That book was about Cynthia's son's journey. This book is a reflection of Sue's journey as a school age child. Sue resides in Olympia, WA.