THE 1ST FIGHTING IRISH: The 35th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Hoosier Hibernians in the War for the Union

by Kevin Murray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/5/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781491826751
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781491826768
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781491826775

About the Book

The 1st Fighting Irish: The 35th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, tells the compelling story of the exile of Ireland, Hoosiers who fought to preserve the Union of their newly adopted country. They fought for America at a time when the “native” American “Know Nothings” hated them for their foreign birth and Roman Catholic religion. Wearing green kepis to celebrate the “Ould Sod” the 1st Irish shed their red blood for the rather abstract idea of the “Union.” The text features this complex Indiana Regiment, and its southern battles, trials and tribulations. But the true story is the many unique and colorful individuals who made up this Celtic “Band of Brothers.” The Band was led by a Notre Dame Priest, and its nickname was eventually bestowed on the University of Notre Dame’s athletic teams. The 1st Fighting Irish: The Indiana 35th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Hoosier Hibernians in the War for the Union, provides a fresh retrospective on the “War for the Union,” and serves to help preserve the memory of these brave Irish lads.

About the Author

Kevin Charles Murray is the great-great grandson of Charles Murray, Co. A, 35th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, the 1st Irish Regiment of Indiana. Fleeing persistent hunger in Ireland, Charles emigrated from County Donegal to Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1858. Charles Murray joined the 1st Irish Regiment in September 1861, and died in September 1863, from wounds received at the Battle of Stones River. The story of Charles’ heroic sacrifice was passed on by his grandson’s widow, Helen McGinley Murray, to her grandson, Kevin. Kevin Murray, an attorney in Indianapolis, is a graduate of Indiana State University and Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis. Kevin is currently completing a Master of Science in Historic Preservation at College of Architecture and Planning, Ball State University. He is an active member of the Irish community and the Democratic Party. The 1st Irish Regiment of Indiana, the 35th Indiana Infantry Volunteers, has been the subject of Kevin Murray’s lifelong fascination and study.