Jesus and Gyoh Sunim

by Da Do Wha



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781462408597
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781462408580

About the Book

Da Do Wha was bestowed a vision of the missing years of Jesus from age fifteen to thirty. His journey to a mountain temple in India showed his love and compassion for mankind. At the mountain temple, Jesus attained enlightenment. Upon return to his homeland, he preached and taught the love of God, the redemption of sins, forgiveness, and the love of God through love of others. Gyoh also attained enlightenment. He meditated, walked, and shared thoughts with Jesus over the years. He kept the teachings of Buddha alive. Gyoh walked along Jesus’s side through his passion. Jesus’s mother Mary spent her life after Jesus’s ascension giving devotion in the new religion, Christianity, giving compassion and love to all. She, too, was raised up at her death to everlasting joy and glory in heaven.

About the Author

The author lives with her long-time boyfriend and her niece in a small-town north of New York City. Their sons and their families live nearby. Born and raised in a town north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where devotion in the Catholic Church was nurtured and practiced. Her spirituality deepened with help from her priest, friends, and teachers at school. In New York, she joined a local Buddhist temple where yoga and meditation are practiced weekly. She was initiated into Buddhism in 2009. She is an active member in the Catholic Church and Buddhist temple.