The Sovereign Psyche

Systems of Chattel Freedom vs. Self-Authentic Freedom

by Ezrah Aharone



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/30/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781524601355
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781524601331
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781524601348

About the Book

The Sovereign Psyche is not just the title of the book.  More importantly The Sovereign Psyche is the motivating consciousness, intellect, and willpower that is necessary to materialize what the book defines as "Self-Authentic Freedom" as opposed to "Chattel Freedom."  Chattel freedom is when the value of a people is predicated upon the extent to which they serve the interests and institutions of others. 

As such, this work asserts that there is no such thing as intellectual or institutional equality, and that Black/African people have been unknowingly thrusted into an “intellectual and institutional war,” where second-place finishers either experience varying degrees of chattel freedom or they could end-up dead. 

Regardless of the issue, genuine solutions entail what we as Black/African people intellectually and institutionally do for ourselves.  If "Black Lives Matter" we must channel the end-uses of our intellect and the resources of our institutions to not only prove and enforce it, but also leverage powers to penalize and/or repudiate violators. 

Although this work centers upon Black/African people, the sovereign functions and frameworks herein are universal in application, being that today’s world rotates upon systems of sovereignty and power, not beliefs in democracy or equality.  In this context, the sovereign concepts and criteria presented are far more rational than radical.

The central question is, to what extent will Black/African people harness the willpower and employ the intellect of The Sovereign Psyche to actualize our own systems and institutions of self-authentic freedom, government, and development, without apology or permission?  This work offers the ideological apparatus to make this possible, just as others are doing all around the globe.

About the Author

Ezrah Aharone is a scholar of Sovereign Studies and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Delaware State University. He is the author of the political books Sovereign Evolution and Pawned Sovereignty. Born in Newark and raised in Passaic, NJ, he is a graduate of Hampton University. He has lived and worked in West Africa where he is now a business and political consultant (see