Shaping Up Your Character, A to Z—Mathematically

by Carole Cliffe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/14/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781462408481
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781462408474

About the Book

There is no question about it: character counts. But how can a square, rectangle, and diamond help make a child’s behavior sparkle? Carole Cliffe, an award-winning educator, integrates geometric shapes, eye-catching illustrations, and clever interactive activities to inspire kids to shape their character—one letter at a time. While encouraging positive character traits such as cooperation, gratitude, patience, respect, and trust, Mrs. Cliffe helps children heighten math skills and become socially responsible citizens.

Shaping Up Your Character A to Z—Mathematically is aligned with common core curriculum standards. Combining Math and Morals throughout this book will help to inspire children to make the world a better place and will enhance their mathematic skills.

“Carole Cliffe’s book infuses character traits of cooperation, academic excellence, responsibility, and respect while addressing our math standards.”
—Janene Maxon, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Castaic Union School District

“Carole takes familiar shapes and terms and links them to character traits that model appropriate behavior. I can’t think of a better way to assist kids in making wise choices.”
—Betsy Letzo, Retired Principal, Sulphur Springs School District

“By integrating character education and math figures, Carole grasps and holds students’ attention. Appealing to the creative side in all of us, her unique combination captures the essence of learning, while instilling sound moral character in the student.”
—Susan L. Michael, M.S.Ed., Special Education Consultant

About the Author

Carole Cliffe, an award-winning educator, is the founder and president of Character Building Concepts, a company that creates materials to help children practice positive character traits. As a freelance writer, she has penned a column for Santa Clarita magazine and written four other books. Carole and her husband reside in Santa Clarita, California; they have six grandchildren.