Walking on the Higher Side of Life

by Deloris Good



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/17/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781496932969

About the Book

Upon receiving my diploma of four years attending school on the Higher Side of Life, the large Angel said to me, “It is time you went to your Earth and spread the word of what you have learned here.”

With many Blessings,

Deloris Good

About the Author

In writing this book, I realized it is a way that has helped me in growing from being suicidal after the passing of my first husband in 1965. In the early seventies I began studying Spirituality at a Spiritualist church (a church where healings and readings are included in the church service). In the eighties I began classes in mystery schools for metaphysics, hence becoming a metaphysical teacher on empowerment for over two decades.

After being suicidal I learned in Life to stay focused on my goals, with the first goal being to please the One who created everything. In pleasing the Creator we please ourselves. Each and everyday I look forward in this wonderful learning growth process. Each day is a present. This is why it is called present day.

Life is what you make it, make it a positive one!