The Last Perfect American

The Life Experiences of Jack R. Anthony

by Charlene Dixon-Anthony



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/11/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781496923806
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781496923813

About the Book

This is a book about a man of war and we are all born to die. It tells how a man chose to live until he died. And this is a book about a man whom I deeply love who has shown me the terrible facing of death that is military. Thank God he is still alive, but I live everyday as a woman who loves a man who is closer to God, eternity and his past than he is to me. This is a book of one warrior who speaks for all warriors who don’t speak about their experiences of war. From 15 years of age to eighty- seven years of age Jack forgot himself to serve his country. He was a body guard to three U.S Presidents who chose him because they knew he would surrender his life to protect them.

Jack generously, although unwillingly, expressed his war experiences. Men of war hide violence. Jack has expressed this to me. I am grateful to be his wife and a woman that he loves. I am fortunate to be able to give this gift of Jack’s privacy to the world.

About the Author

Charlene Victoria Dixon-Anthony has written many unpublished works. She holds four college degrees and has done most of her secular work in the fields of social welfare, education and social work.
Her interest in her country has inspired her to write this book about her husband, Jack Anthony, who she believes is a man amongst men in every since of the word American. Her desire is for the readers of this book to gain an understanding of Jack’s experiences as a young man, a man of war and a family man. It covers Jack’s involvement in World War II, the Korean War and twenty-eight years law enforcement as a Detective-Sergeant on the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as well as his work in aerospace as an investigator.