The Darker Side to Dr Carter

by S. J. Groves



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 514
ISBN : 9781496975355
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 514
ISBN : 9781496975331

About the Book

A dark tale of hidden betrayal, lies and secrets, A man determined to keep his darker interests out of sight. No matter the cost, that ends with terrible consequences as this demon of man shows himself, as the darkness of this evil deep inside comes forth to those closest to him, like his dearly beloved wife Helena and daughter Anna and those who dare cross this devil of a man!

About the Author

S.J.Groves was born 1974 in Bristol and lived with parents who were in fact her grandparents that already had another two children apart from her real mum but adopted her when she was very young as her real mum too young to be a single mum. She never knew her real dad as he left before she was born. S.J's biological mum went onto have one more child. S.J moved away with her mum as her parents spilt up when she was 10. Life was tough bullied in and out of school throughout her childhood and teenage years which left its scars along with other complex issues as well as some painful and frightening events. S.J after school had various jobs and travelled a little until she was ready to settle down, stop running from herself and her demons of her past. She in the end married when she was 23, her only love that she had meet at 16 and had two boys by the time she was 30, while she was a full time mum she did do several things like a charity catwalk, modelled for a photography club and also two home college courses to improve her skills and in part prove to herself and the bullies at school she could do something with her life, trying to not let the past rule the present or future. These three books were a mission of hers since the age of 16 but never the right time or strong enough to deal with the huge task in hand and what it could mean to her in terms her future. She knew it would be the biggest challenge mentally but a worth while journey and could help others that has faced maybe some of what the story's cover either the family or the strange but true story based on a real family and the trails and tribulations they face.