Momma NEM Recipes

secret family exposed

by Cynthia Tonth-Boler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/25/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 46
ISBN : 9781496903365
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 46
ISBN : 9781496903358

About the Book

This book Momma Nem was created because of the love for cooking that they shared with many. Momma were cooking at an early age. They pass along recipes from family to family via voice. No recipes were ever written down on paper. When you think of Momma Nem instantly you began to smell the aroma of food. Ah where is the smell coming from? I smell fresh collard greens ah it makes me Hungry.

About the Author

Cynthia Tonth-Boler was raised up on the south side of Chicago I attend Stagg elementary school, Calumet H.S and UICC. I was a fan of cooking at an early age. Growing up on the south side of Chicago we had a lot of fun. I lived with my mother and my Grandmother who was our boss. She told us what to do and we did it her way. Growing up in a house hold filled with family members was a challenging. We had good and bad times but mostly good I was the youngest in the household. I listened to every story my grandmother told me. I watched her like a hulk. I learned how to pay bills grocery shop and go to the gas company. She taught me how to survive in any situation and to never give up on your dreams. She had faith in me. Grandma took me to church every Sunday her and her sisters were praying women. They loved the Lord and Cooking. Cooking was a way of survival it was the way they made extra money. God blessed me with a wonderful husband of 23 years and five boys whom I adore. They all are my favorites. Wouldn’t trade any of them. In my career I’ve come across many people in need. I have always had heart to help people in need. This is a way where I could extend hand to others. I believe that if we learned something of value we should than instill in others what was instilled in us. In other words give back to the community. So I wanted to give back many of years of Recipes that our family shared. Each year throughout the holidays I receive many calls about how do I make this and that, how to make pies and cakes. My grandmother would talk on the phone for hours trying to explain the how to. You would think that the family would have it by now. Grandmom is no longer here, so all the family and friend believe that I took her place in cooking. Wow what a compliment, they all know that she confided in me with her special recipes. So I write this book Momma Nem so you too may cook like her.