April Fools' Day in Vroostock

by W. Michael Pyatt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/28/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781496908414
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781496907448

About the Book

The author asks what would draw two people from different centuries to the small railroad town of Vroostock, Montana, in what appeared to be for random reasons. And, just what events would ultimately cause the intersection of these two lives? For what reason? Both were born on April 1, and found significance in that day for different reasons, which shall be revealed. And both experienced a tragic loss in their lives—one at birth, the other at the age of 33. As you shal find, there are surprises in store for the two men, and all who take the ride to Vroostock on April’s Fools’ Day. This drama, a series of events that are so compelling, asks the reader whether it possible for these two souls’ circuitous paths to intersect in this world. The answer will surprise and inspire you.

About the Author

W. Michael Pyatt, a father of 3 grown sons, and grandfather of Reagan, he resides in the Central Wyoming Town of Glenrock, with his wife Mary Ann. Born and reared in the Hoosier Crossroad Town of Indianapolis, he spent the majority of his professional work life in human resources management, and consulting. He taught in two MBA programs in Indiana and Wyoming. Later in life he had a stint as a Police Officer in Wyoming. Currently his attention is focused on writing fictional books that have a common theme of nostalgia, faith and redemption with a twist of dram that will inspire you.