Escape to Exidion

by S. J. Worrell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/10/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781496919137
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781496919120

About the Book

Twenty years ago, in the year 2165, Daniel Les Yeux could not have foreseen that his pet project, a dome that could sustain life on Mars, would be needed as a first colony. He also could not have known that he would end up being the Commander of this city in the sky called Exidion. With a destroyed ozone layer, the Earth grew more desperate in its attempt to relocate, but the dome was not quite ready. Could Daniel work fast enough to save the influx of people who wanted to escape to Exidion?

About the Author

I have been teaching elementary school for most of my adult life but writing has always been my passion. I am proud and excited to be finally publishing my very first novel. This is really a dream come true for me. I feel successful already just for shaking off my lethargy and getting this done. As a teacher I was always making up stories to teach lessons, as well as just to tell a story for its own sake. Teaching kids in Brooklyn, NY also provided great material for my stories. I've always received a great response from the most honest people I know; kids. So, here I am, publishing my first book. A great place to be!