Sweet Essence of Truth

by Shirley Ann Williams & Editor Janna de Boone



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/27/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9781462409969
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9781462409976

About the Book

Sarge steered the cruiser in the direction of a place he had visited regularly. It was a calming environment away from the chaotic surroundings he faced daily. There was a peace in this setting, so diverse from offerings of the world. Yet in this place of tranquility, danger lurked … unknown to those who were there. The ability to help the helpless was about to take on a whole new meaning. Sarge prayed for moments of clarity for Fester, if this was indeed the place he fled to.

Nathan knew the next hour would give him enormous insight into this man who was in such agony over past experiences. He recognized that the time was of divine intervention from the start. The glimpse at the songster on the sill. The observation of the truck, the driver known by picture alone. Fester’s entry through the one and only door that was never secured. The events leading to the precautionary safety procedures. Attention given to a man Sarge and Deke needed to understand. An understanding that would lead to obtaining help for a lost soul.

As the conversation continued … lost soul to pastor … two men began to piece together bits of this tortured man’s life that were never revealed in any reports. The broken pieces were being united, one by one. The One who created was not finished yet. The creation was beginning anew … a hardened heart softening its path to hope. God was in the midst, holding the hands and hearts of His children.

About the Author

Shirley Williams writes what God has laid upon her heart. Writing is a part of her faith journey; giving witness to God’s love, mercy, and grace. Now a retired teacher, Shirley pens stories of inspiration and hope amid the struggles and confusion life offers; creating characters searching for God’s peace.